reclaiming my evenings

October 7, 2003 — Leave a comment

i`ve decided to stop spending my afternoons online and take them back, part of the reason is to get my daughter to stop spending her evenings glued to the tv. as part of this reclimation, i`ve started making a dent in the mass of books i have to read at my bedside.

i`ve even managed to finish the middle kingdom over the last two days. it was literally one of those books i couldn`t put down.

the rest of the books on the list in no particular order are:

mara and dann

moon tiger

how the dead live

the matrix and philosophy

taking the red pill

midnight all day

the red tent

i was going to provide links for the rest of books but my connection is flaking out every time i try to load an amazon page, so if you`re interested go check them out yourself.

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