changes in the weather

October 27, 2003 — Leave a comment

living 11 degrees from the equator precludes a need for a time changes, but even here in trinidad you can tell christmas is coming.

we generally have 12 hours of sunshine year round. in late october/november  it gets dark earlier, by 7ish the sky is that lovely violet hue and the oranges and browns of vestigial sunset are gone. the stars start coming out and you can make out the outlines for aircraft in the night sky.

the other thing that changes or as it seems lately to change is the temperature, the nights have gotten cooler and it takes longer for the days to heat up. although, i`m not putting money on that. the days here are in the mid 30s [celsius, not fahrenheit] and the night used to be in the low 20s but they seem to be crawling up to the mid 20s.

i`ve come to realise that i`m not built for heat. cold doesn`t affect me, i like the feel of autumn. one of the reasons i love london. all i need is a good sweater most of the time. i don`t love snow, don`t mind it, just don`t love it.

last year i was in london for the time change and i`m not sure if it was psychological but from that sunday, it seemed like it was dark by 5pm almost immediately.

i remember in jamaica as a child, i would look at the weather on tv and see places where the overnight temperature was in the teens. there are places in the blue mountains in jamaica where they grow strawberries and apples, well they used to, not sure what these weird weather patterns are doing now.

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