how nice

September 11, 2003 — Leave a comment

[a joke i got from my wife, best told in a southern accent]

four junior league ladies are having lunch just after christmas.

the woman at the head of the table and asks the woman on her left:

“what did your husband get you for christmas?”

“my husband took my wedding ring to be cleaned and when it came back it was two carats instead of one”

to which the woman replies:

“how nice!”

she turns to the woman across from her and asks:

“what did your husband get you for christmas?”

“my husband got me a full length mink coat”

to which the woman replies:

“how nice!”

finally she turns to the woman on her right and asks:

“so what did your husband get you for christmas?”

“my husband got us a trip to gay paree and we leave next week”

to which the woman replies:

“how nice!”

the other ladies turn to the woman at the head of the table and ask:

“so what did your husband get you for christmas?”

“my husband sent me to finishing school, so instead of saying `fuck y`all!`, i say `how nice!`”

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