it`s the full moon tonight and i can feel it, my body is singing.
i can feel it in my every nerve ending. it`s such a magnificent feeling. i`m almost bouncing off the walls.
i came home today to find a letter from the bank…
blah, blah, blah… we thank you for your interest…
… however we`re unable to offer you a suitable position…
blah, blah, blah
doesn`t fucking matter, i`m fixed on this jamaica job. i can taste it. i want it so badly.
or is that something else? just had a long conversation with vic about this long conversation i had with my boss today.
i guess i should expect the next couple of weeks to be filled with many such meeting as she tries to convince me staying is what`s best for me.
poor deluded soul.
i`m going to make it an early night tonight. hope your harvest moon is fruitful.