take two quizzes and call me in the morning

August 4, 2003 — Leave a comment

What Planet Are You From?

this quiz was made by The Autist Formerly Known As Tim

got that from tearsofice and this from jadedgrrl [they`re in my faves, go fetch]

online palm reading

You have a good imagination, and often exhibit sensitivity to others.

You have so many interests that you may have trouble deciding which ones to pursue.

You are a warm hearted person, with much love to give.

There may be times in your life when you give in to feelings of sadness or depression.

You are likely to make decisions based on intuition or feelings rather than intellect.

Although you have ambition, you do not always exert the energy necessary to be successful.

You have a basically strong constitution, and should enjoy good health most of the time.

The most productive time in your life will probably occur in middle age.

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