not even…

August 14, 2003 — Leave a comment

the fact that i have to go the presentation next week in grenada, is spoiling my day. it`s not the trip so much as the company. it`s just me and my boss, i intend to take lots of books and movies. the presentation is an hour, but in order to get a flight we get in the day before. so it`s two whole days. i pray that my brain does not leak out of my ear listening to her prattle on.

i`m inspired. the work is just flowing forth. i like days like this. i`m productive, i have ideas that i can keep for something else. i feel like i can take the world on today. it`s been a while since i`ve felt so completely like that. what am i beginning to like my job? [insert dramatic music here] i doubt that i like my job anymore than i did last week or the week before, this is just me, centring myself.

i have an immediate goal and i have a long term goal. both of them are completely attainable and have very little to do with a `good` job and lots of money. and over the last couple of days i feel they are within my grasp. things feel right.

back to work, i only have three more of these ads to build.

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