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August 25, 2003 — Leave a comment

this interview thing, it`s fun.

i`ve asked two people questions so far and i sense a pattern emerging. food, literature, sexuality. hmmmm, am i so predictable?

well my boss cancelled lunch, tomorrow most likely. i can`t say that i`m really disappointed. the problem is now i have to fend for myself and my choices here are somewhat limited, primarily because of cash flow issues [there is none] and secondarily i had worked up myself for something expensive. c`est la vie.

the rain is pouring, i can hear it on the roof, i love that sound. i wish vic was here to share it with me. my thoughts are all over the place, we haven`t heard a peep out of the client. if we get this account it`s the only reason i`d stay put. i`m not sure what this lunch meeting is about, i have two sheet of paper on my desk which summarise my job descriptions, which i`m supposed to look at. i think i would feel better about looking at them if the pay matched. i don`t want to be here any longer, i`m not sure if i mean today or this office, i`m feeling…

that`s it i`m not sure what i`m feeling right now. i should call santo domingo, but i think i`m afraid to. do i want to get this bank job, is that a sign that i`m settling in here?

i need a sign. something to help me find a direction.

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