like a child on christmas morning

July 18, 2003 — Leave a comment

it’s almost 6am and i’ve been laying on my bed tossing and turning. i haven’t been able to sleep. the hours are drifting by almost too slowly. i supposed one i get going on all the things i have to finish and get done today, i’ll have less time to ponder the minutes and the seconds.

i don’t think there are words in my vocabulary to describe how happy i am today, about now vic is heading to the airport in nashville, i’m sitting here checking the weather in nashville and miami, checking the airline for delays. trying to plan out all the other things i need to get done to day and none of it seems particularly important. i’ve been married 18 months today. a year and a half and most of that has been spent away from vic. it’s been 9 months and 27 days since i saw her last. and this evening everything is going to be reset. for the next 10 days, we’re going to be together. i can listen to her voice, see her laugh, feel her skin against mine, look at her, burn her image in my retaina, to hold in my head and my heart for as long as it takes for me to see her again.

i’m going to get ready to deal with today, i’ll be back later to post my wrap up for the next 10 days. have a great day

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