today’s flavour is…

June 21, 2003 — Leave a comment

just got out of the shower. have a very long and refreshing shower – body shop grapefruit & lime body wash is divine. i also washed my hair, funny thing in the middle of the wash, rinse, repeat cycle i realised i’d washed my hair last weekend. well, i want to get it neatened this week anyway.
the personal grooming has begun, vic is 27 days away, i’ve already begun the dietary changes. well not changes per say, just a more careful monitoring of what ingest. less dairy, red meat, more fruit, particularly citrus and water. if you don’t what i’m talking about check here (i know i posted this already, but not everyone follows the links) and here. it’s a regular ritual, one which we’ve both found quite successful.
i’m sitting around in my boxers, with my wet hair on my back watching hackers (i’m a sucker for this movie, i’m not sure what i like more the faux-geek speak, the classic apple computers or the very butch angelina jolie) as soon as it’s done, i’m heading off to be a mac god for someone with a 15” lamp imac, it may be the ticket to get my copy of potter this afternoon.
ok, i’m starting to dry off in this heat, time to complete the ritual, no shower/bath is complete without body butter. today’s flavour is…

so many choices…

i chose…


i’m out, off to work for my hp. adieu.

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