nappy time

June 22, 2003 — Leave a comment

i eventually caved and called in for food and i’ve been watching about a boy (finally saw the beginning) and hoping vic comes online. but my nocturnal activities are catching up with me. my thighs and my back hurt, i really need to drop some weight and get some exercise, i’ve never come back from a party and felt this… beaten…

need to find someway to get rid of this breathless, achy, overexerted feeling… the gym is not an option.

is this my form of self-loathing or a wake up call to self? i used to be fat child, i grew out of it, but now i’m feeling positively unhealthy. i was completely breathless and sweaty climbing those stairs the day of the site visit. i used to run 10k dammit. i need to find something i enjoy doing (well, besides that) that’s a regular form of exercise.

i’m going to take a nap and consider it.

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