i should be sleeping

June 24, 2003 — Leave a comment

really i should i got back from the movie about 30 minutes ago, i’ve got work in the morning, but my 8 – 4:30 ain’t paying for this trip (vic is here in 24 days), i need to make sure we’re both covered for the week off work, food, accomodation, transport… they usual stuff, so here i am slaving away on the website. well not actually slaving, doing thumbnails til i find something i really like and then i get to work.

i saw finding nemo and bruce almighty tonight, liked bruce, loved, loved, loved, finding nemo, it was funny and touching and the geek in me was just like, whoa. it’s nice to go with friends, but it just make think about all the little things i miss doing with vic, i love going to the movies, we’ve seen one movie together, that’s just so not right. i miss her so much. god, if start climbing down this hole i wont get anything done tonight.

i’m off to finish the thumbnails and so i can present a draft to the client in the morning. adieu.

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