enough for two, maybe three days (redux)

June 11, 2003 — Leave a comment

now the links: 

bad mother’s club 

senator jerry springer? (another sign of the end times or could be no less than america deserves?) 

a useful tool in these times (even if the idiots don’t know they’re being insulted) – a random insult generator 

i was going to post a pair of links from congressman henry waxman and senator byrd but i decided fuck it, no amount of talking is going to change the fact that gulf war – the sequel® was about oil and based on misrepresentation and outright fucking lies. if you want to follow this up yourself. 

the best song of the past 25 years , i would really like to see the judging criterion for that one… 

an interesting concept 

and now a rash of sex and related links… 
where to start? where to start? 

the esquire sex column 

a few words on sex 
and the reply in three parts: onetwo and three (see what a nice guy i am, now you don’t have to go looking for the other two as well.) 

and i’m spent. i’ll post in the morning before i head off to the wilds of trinidad. 

thank you and good night.

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