and counting

June 30, 2003 — Leave a comment

there are 18 days til vic gets here.

if the dreams get any more intense i’m going to spontaneously combust. today is the halfway point, since we’ve gotten all the tickets and this trip has become our talisman, our holy grail. there is a small voice in the back of my head trying to tell me calm down, there are a million things that could go wrong between, now and then. i know it’s the voice of reason, but i don’t want to conceive spending another month apart from vic.

even as we gear up for this trip, i’m looking at long weekends later in the year, where we can get away to see each other. my mind is a jumble right now, my heart is racing, i have this whimsical smile on my face, so many thoughts are racing through my head right now. i’ll come back this, i can’t concentrate, put what i’m thinking into words, maybe it’s not so much my brain, as my heart. i’m happy and i’m in love.

after all that joy, i have a couple pieces of distressing news.

first, one of the grand dames of film, kathrine hepburn, died,

secondly, a us constitutional amendment to ban gay marriage?

and finally, why is it people (it’s not just americans) feel that someone else is responsible for their children (it’s a two part article) and their behaviour (thanks laura), this kind of thing always distresses me to read. it’s always some external factor, no one wants to admit, they’ve not done the best they can for their children. this is a whole other post, i’m going to stop here.


tonight in trinidad:

Movie Night featuring Phillip Pike’s “Songs of Freedom” a film documenting the GLBT Community of Jamaica, with an original score composed by Toronto musician Quammie. Hosted by DENI.

Time: 07.00 pm till | ADMISSION: FREE | All events are held at Bohemia

i’m off to work, i’ll be back later.

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