poolside crew fucking rocks

May 31, 2003 — Leave a comment

i am finally home, at least for a bit after one of the best parties i’ve been to since… (well at least since the last poolside crew party). i had a blast, we didn’t leave til almost 5am and by the time all the dropping home was done, i was staggering through the door around 5:40 and the sun was already up. the music was great (can you imagine being a party and not hearing any of the same music twice in 6 hours; it’s a great feeling), the company was fantastic and the behaviour completely licentious (and i still got away with my virtue intact – thanks k.) one of the joys of psc parties, is they generally end at 5am, but at about 4, the dj seems to kick it into a higher gear, encouraging you to stay and shake your booty until the very last nanosecond.

the tattoo is off today, not only am i completely exhausted, my tattoo guy darren has car (actually truck) trouble and is waiting on a mechanic.

i am so tired but between the two cat naps i took, after arriving home,( i had to drop the car for my ex brother in law for 7am) and waiting for a ride back home (never showed, so i just got a taxi home).

i’m here checking my mail and leaving voicemail for vic to let her know i survived the night, then i’m going to get some sleep, although day sleep does nothing for me, i think it has something to do with the light, i may as well just stay up, go to the dinner party tonight and turn in early tomorrow evening.

i’ll post again when i’m fed and a little more rested

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