29 hours and counting

May 22, 2003 — Leave a comment

so i have less than 29 hours to finish this project. i like working under pressure, i think i do my best work at the last minute. it also helps keep me distracted to the fact that it’s been 8 months to the day since i saw victoria last. that’s right kiddies, almost enough time for the birth of a child. i was reading victoria’s blog yesterday and thinking about a sight i must have made on the train ride back. i had no one to hide my tears from and after 5 wonderful days, i was devastated. there is something even more heart breaking about leaving vic at an airport or watching her get on a plane. it’s like we’re stealing these tiny moments. these 8 months have been some of the most difficult and try in my life. i working on seeing vic next month and steal a few more moments but i don’t know if i have the strength to watch her get on another plane and begin the count til i see her again.

off to work

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