losing track of the days

April 29, 2003 — Leave a comment

there was actually supposed to be a list yesterday but i got distracted with all of apple’s cool shit.

so i’ve installed itunes 4, reorganised my music library, checked out the store and lusted after the ipods. i’ve also been playing around with ijournal, it’s nice, i’m trying to figure out why i keep getting the error any suggestions welcome.

tomorrow is the big presentation, so i get to spend all of today spraying and mounting, joy, joy… who doesn’t love sticky hands. i still hate my job but i feel much more validated, i’m doing good work and if they can’t appreciate it, fuck it.

as you can probably tell, i’m pysching myself up for the disappointment, the end of the month is in two days and i haven’t heard from the other company, so i’m assuming the worst.

i owe, i owe, so it’s off to work i go, i owe, i owe, i owe.

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