day 20 (talking about ordering in)

April 27, 2003 — Leave a comment

so i live with my dear sainted mother (her opinion, not mine), don’t get me wrong, i love her but oh lord i don’t like some of her ways. anyway my mother’s skill base does not include domestic goddess. accountant extraordinaire, wonderful organiser but not a domestic goddess.

what does this have to do with ordering you ask?

well my mother’s kitchen…

how do i put this… it’s a disaster area, it requires divine intervention…

i can and like to cook but the kitchen scares me, so i live on take in, but it gets really troubling when my number comes up in the computer and they know what i want to order and i have conversations with the delivery drivers.

that seems like a sign i should cut back, but what are my options really, even if i add up all the money i spend on ordering food it’s still cheaper than having someone come in and remodel the kitchen and besides it would take my mother about a week to return it to it’s current state.

now that i’ve gotten that off my chest, it’s back to charmed and alias later.

yes, i’m still sitting in front of the tv, the joys of laptop computing.


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