day 18

April 25, 2003 — Leave a comment

goooooooood morning world…

so it’s back to work this morning but i’m up early for other reasons, you don’t have much control on most of the factors in your life, however your technology should be one of them…

i definitely married the right woman, vic you are genius and a star. my love took down her imac and replaced the hard drive on her own last night (well i walked her through it over the phone)

…which brings me to the failings of technology…

it’s supposed to behave a certain way, there is no random behaviour (i believe that, really i do (tongue firmly in cheek)) we did everything correctly now it’s back to the drawing board on this cause after 2 hours and a drive replacement… nada, zip, zero, hard drive is not showing up when the machine boots and i know it works, well it was working when it left trinidad two days ago.

however fear not, our intrepid heroes will prevail.

in other news, i’m a constant seeker of information and on this quest for knowledge i came across this lovely tidbit…

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