Archives For quarry

reclaiming `cunt`

June 12, 2003 — Leave a comment

i’m back from the wilds of valencia (eastern trinidad) we only saw one quarry today. oddly, in light of what is being done, the quarry was beautiful, proof that mother nature even at her worst is a stunner. it was nice to be out of the office all day, we could have gone back but decided against it. i came home instead and i’ve been catching up on my reading… 

seems a sad day for gentlemen 

gregory peck whose role as Atticus Finch in To Kill A Mockingbird won him the Academy Award for Best Actor; and ranking earlier this month as “the greatest hero in 100 years of film history” by the American Film Institute; passed away at age 87. 

and veteran journalist david brinkley also died today at the age 82 

in more upbeat news… 

official string theory website (geeks of the world, UNITE!) 

the 50 worst company names, kind of puerile, but it’s been a long day, cut me some slack. 

another best list (you make the call) the 50 best magazines 

and finally your moment of zen