Archives For full figured

i just got back from dinner. i had to roll myself out the door. the food was great, the dessert was greater. mmmmmm, chocolate. ideally i would be having massive amounts of sex to work this off, but since life is not perfect, i’m sitting here typing. gladly, i don’t  have work in the morning. i’m sleep as i sit here, but i’m far too full to crawl into bed. 

it’s fun going out with k, we have similar taste in women and it’s fun to look. i’m really disheartened that her relationship didn’t work out. they were one of the nicest couples i knew. anyway k and i heading back to see the matrix tomorrow and hopefully afterwards we can get some ink. we can never seem to get her inked when she wants to, the timing is usally off. tomorrow seems like a good day for it. 

on a completely different topic, here is a link to some that compares some of modern full figured models to art of the past. i’ll post more on this tomorrow, i have a lot to say in praise of women that are not size 0, but my brain isn’t functioning the way it should at the moment.