Archives For freedom of speech

I have the power

June 8, 2004 — Leave a comment

well i have the power now. NES changed the power lines outside my house today, leaving me without power until mere moments ago. it`s just one of the many things that have infuriated me today. i can`t say that i didn`t know they were cutting the power, they did come and say 8:30 – 11:30, but we didn`t have power and that`s just irritating.

coupled with that i discovered the cheque for which we`ve been hovering over the mailbox and waiting with bated breath hasn`t even been mailed yet. that`s right, one week later and it`s not gone out yet. as i said to vic, when you freelance, you get accustomed to being shat upon from high places, you don`t  have to like it, but you fucking well better learn to accept it.

but it wasn`t my intention to be whiny today, i had big plans for today and it involved the late, great, St. Ronnie. for those of you unfamiliar with that, it was sarcasm. I just finished writing a magnum opus and then thought, my status here is still tentative is it not. i can think it but for a while yet, i may not commit it to any format.

does anyone else notice what`s wrong with that sentence? isn`t this the land of the free, the home of the brave? or has than been trademarked by the department of homeland security with fine print that reads `void where prohibited`?

when did it come to this? the chipping away of the freedoms that bring so many people to these shores? i didn`t come here to breathe the sweet air of freedom, i came here for love and as happy as that makes me there are day when i awake chilled, because the freedoms i grew up with and have grown accustomed to, i can no longer take for granted. i have to censor my thoughts and my speech on a daily basis. there is no way that can be right.

and in some sort of circuitous way i`m find myself back to where my original train of thought; how long has Ronald Reagan been really dead and what is he being paraded before us one last time to hide.