child like joy

July 11, 2005 — Leave a comment

this week i`m connecting with my inner child. with me i don`t generally have to go far. i think one of the reasons i`ve never had a job in what qualifies as a `normal` profession is that i`m a little too in touch with my inner child. apparently a lot of employers tend to frown on the concept of a frolicking, practical joking adult in a professional environment.

however today and Friday, i get to indulge my inner child without reproach. this afternoon, i get to see sneak peek of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory and then Friday night, Vic, the boychick and myself are going to a local bookstore for the midnight distribution of the next Harry Potter book. we`ve had our vouchers for the last two weeks and last night we started re-reading the last book in preparation.

i`m looking forward to both these events with a barely supressed glee. i trying my best not to bounce off the cubicle walls. long time readers know of my love Roald Dahl and it was interesting to find out that Dahl hated children and the first version of the movie that he believed was too `happy`. all Dahl`s tales have a sting to them and his children`s tales were no different, i think that`s why i`ve always loved them.

J.K. Rowling wasn`t the first author to not pander to children that read, neither was Dahl, but both of them understood that children have the same range of emotion that adults do and not every story has to be shiny and happy all the way through.

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