are you experienced?

March 9, 2005 — Leave a comment

even without a formal education there are things i am qualified to do based on years of experience. there are things i will try my hand at because it seems straight forward and i`m fairly intelligent person. then there are things i have a natural aptitude for, but that doesn`t mean i`m going to make it my profession. which brings me to Bono.

now coming from a developing nation and seeing first hand the effects of World Bank policy, they`re not my favourite organisation in the world; but come on Bono?

what are his qualifications? he`s an advocate for third-world debt relief. how nice. that does not qualify him to run the World Bank. does he have a degree in economics, a background in finance? i`d really be interested to know.

you really want to do something about third world debt? how about giving up a percentage of the sales of the last U2 album. every little bit counts. jetting in and out and hobnobbing with other wealthy people and talking about bad the situation is doesn`t help.

when i was working in Florida, the agency i worked planned and staged an event to raise money for a food bank. it was a $500-a-head, three course charity dinner that eventually cost about $60,000 to produce and this figure didn`t included the wasted food in unfinished courses. the irony has never escaped me, in Trinidad there used to be a poor man`s dinner to benefit various organisations that were trying to help the less fortunate, it was black tie event that you paid through the nose to attend and dinner consisted of broth and a hard roll prepared by one of the organisations who would eventually benefit from the funds. that makes sense to me. if you`re really interested in helping people you need to make the sacrifice and not just when there is a press opportunity.

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