what price freedom

June 14, 2004 — Leave a comment

i`m hoping this is my last entry about/to odorone. i had intended to do a step by step analysis of all the things he`s said about my journal, but i`ve decided there is no point.

odorone is not interested in logic or legality, he is, as i`ve pointed out before a bully. he`s ignored many well thought out arguments on journalspace, some of mine included because at the end of the day it`s not what he wants to hear. he`s deluded himself into thinking what he`s doing is right and worthy, the law and good sense be damned and he`ll malign and make all manner of assumptions and incorrect statements to back his argument.

my posts haven`t been about him, per se, it`s about the principle of what he`s doing and my inability to sit and let more personal freedoms slip away because of apathy.

i will not sit idly by and let someone else`s idea of morals be the benchmark for my children. i`m resident in a country where the library association publishes a list of children`s books that people called for to be banned.

the campaign that`s started here is only a small step down a slippery slope. if we give in now, when are we going to make our stand, when you can`t find I know why the caged bird sings, Catcher in the Rye, The Color Purple, To Kill a Mocking Bird on the shelves of the library because someone started a campaign to `protect the children`?

by then it will be too late.

as parents you have one simple job, be responsible for you children. don`t rely on school or television or the internet or video games or the government to tell you what`s best for you children. take the time to know who your children are, what their interest are and what they do. it`s not society`s job or the school`s job or the media`s job to teach your children, it`s the your job as a parent.

i have adult content on my journal and if some child find their way to my journal i`ll be upset, but not with the child, but the parents that let them roam about unaccompanied. the simplest analogy i can find, the internet is a like a giant mall, you wouldn`t let your child roam about the mall unaccompanied, would you?

the other point about taking responsibility for you children is when faced with situations that you wouldn`t approve of, they will have your moral compass ingrained in them so they will know right from wrong and very rarely disappoint you.

i don`t need odorone tell me what my children shouldn`t see, i know what i don`t want them to see and ensure that they don`t and if they`re not in my immediate sphere of influence and they see or hear something that`s inappropriate they will behave appropriately because they`ve been taught right from wrong by us, their parents.

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