penultimate day

February 26, 2004 — Leave a comment

at work. i haven`t done fuck all day. well that`s not entirely true. i haven`t done any work. i`m still waiting on pictures and info for the annual report. i`ve organised all the jobs i worked on so anyone with even the smallest iota of common sense can find them.

other than that vic and i have been exchanging a flurry of emails. we`re been organising and planning and generally being completely excited. our big day is five days away, she`s nesting and i`ve been packing. i`m pretty much packed now. i have some stuff to buy for the nearest and dearest before i leave, but that`s about it.

as much as we`d like to spend at least a week locked away frolicking, there are some practical concerns that have to be taken care of; license, insurance, more crap with the ins. plus the boy chick still has school and i`m not the sort of person to sit around and scratch my ass all day, so i need to find a job and quickly.

i still haven`t finished the dc story, but it is progressing nicely. hopefully if i don`t finish it before saturday, i can do so on the plane.

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