
December 1, 2003 — Leave a comment

the amount of kittens killed this weekend is amazing. particularly in light of the number of waking hours and time i spent in the actually apartment.

on saturday night a friend took me on a small tour of my immediate [at least 10 minutes by car] surroundings which included a visit to emancipation park and the contentiously endowed statues.  i have to say, having seen the statues, i`m not sure what all the furore is about, in terms of scale they appear to be appropriately proportioned. i guess it`s whole concept of a naked penis that seem to throw people.

on sunday, i cleaned and cooked, went to another supermarket, primarily to get out of the apartment but ended up getting some stuff. i found fruta guava pineapple and there was no way i was passing up an opportunity like that.

everything i`ve been doing has been coloured with a longing for vic, i`m enjoying myself here but it`s tempered by the fact that vic isn`t here with me. the physical longing is making it`s presence felt in waking and dreaming moments but it`s more than that, i want to be able to talk to her, i want to her to share my meals, i want to be in her presence. i read her post today and cried.

i`m married to this amazing woman and she wonders if she`s worthy of me, i think it`s the other way around. i`ve done so much shit in my life to be blessed with a woman of her stature. i am honoured.

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