put up or shut up

November 5, 2003 — Leave a comment

for a long time i`m bitched about theatre in this country, it`s mostly been a series of bedroom farce, adapted for local audiences, the same production companies, you know the drill.

theatre month came and went with a variety of productions, but still i didn`t take me head out of my ass long enough to participate. yet still i continue to sneer every time i see ads for certain production companies.

today i got a chance do something. a friend, who`s production company has been around 10 years, for whom i`d done some design work in the past, came and asked me to help them put together the multimedia portion of the production. this is a completely local production. home fucking grown. written, directed, produced.

and on top of everything else is the subject matter. all my bitching and whinging about the state of the arts in trinidad, how your lot as an artist is to suffer. it`s all fucking there. it`s like she read my mind. or she`s been at it a lot longer than i have.

so i`m now handling the multimedia in the show for as long as i`m here. i don`t mind, i`m doing something and it feels good.

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