
October 26, 2003 — Leave a comment

well i`m back in trinidad, i have been since, friday night actually. got my ass whopped by PT, but you didn`t come here for that, did you…

i don`t quite have the job yet, but it`s about as close as i`m going to get to it. i get a written offer on tuesday. unless it`s completely ridiculous, which i sincerely doubt, i`m taking it.

there are a couple of things i like about this office, foremost among them is the similarity to the very first agency i worked at. it has the same kind of vibe. i`m sure it`s not going to be perfect, but i would love to give it a chance.

the whole trip was very, very, very pleasant, short, but pleasant. the people are great, the environment is great. am i gushing too much about this job?

in other news, i am still destitute. why is it, my work is so greatly appreciated and i could never fucking get my money. i`m trying not get upset about the fact that a have all this money outstanding. but the end of the month is coming up, i have no money, i have bills to pay, i`m just so fucking pissed.

positive thoughts, positive thoughts. i`m off to catch up on my online reading.

have a good one. ciao.

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