November 10

October 31, 2003 — Leave a comment

that`s my tentative start date. i should get photos of potential apartments and all the forms i need to fill out within the coming week.

the upcoming week is going to be entertaining to say the least, for someone with no stuff i have a shitload of no stuff.

i have a boxful of books that i need to figure out how to take with me, i have clothes which seemed to have multiplied in the two years plus the winter jacket and sweaters.

there is a mention of a relocation allowance, i foresee most of that disappearing in overweight charges.

how does one accumulate so much shit? this morning i started trying to cull and i`ve realised that my wardrobe is already at a bare minimum. well 6 weeks worth of clothing, most of it of the tshirt and denim variety.

other than that there are the books, whither i go, they goest also. i`m thinking two bags should cover it, the bag that i use for laundry and borrow another knapsack to put the books and the winter togs.

i think i`m more excited now that i have definitive start date. i should stop now, i`m just blathering now. i need to calm down.

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