How to pack

October 21, 2003 — Leave a comment

my mother is seemed to believe that every trip to jamaica would be permanent and we would take, if my memory serves me correctly, 3 large suitcases; and they would be heavy.

keeping this in mind, as an adult, i tend to minimalist packing. the only way i have more than carry on luggage is if i`m going for more than a month. and even then it tends to be a very empty duffle. the problems start on my return. my one weakness, books. more on that in a minute.

for short trips, it`s usually the clothes i`m wearing, a pair of shorts, couple of boxers, extra pair of socks, couple of t-shirts and a nice shirt [never know when you have to go out] and my flip flops [an essential for someone like me who loathes shoes]. and if it`s somewhere with climate change, my two favourite sweaters.

over the course of my trips i`ve invested in two jackets, i only have one with me now, which is in all actuality a winter jacket and i would only take with me if i`m sure it was going to snow at least three inches.

for longer trips, extra jeans, more socks and a couple more shirts and t-shirts. i`m a firm believer in laundry, there is no need to pack clothes for every day of your trip. there are few places i can go and not find somewhere to do my laundry.

now, back to the books. i love books, i love owning the books i read, so what usually happens on most trips [especially london] is i find bookstores, new and used and buy replacements and gifts and collections and stuff that catches my eye and in the end it all adds up. the bag that was light and easily slung over my shoulder when i arrived is now the weight of a small child and almost solely the domain of trolleys and airport porters.

among the issue i`ve developed travelling with my mother are suitcases and check in times. i`m a knapsack, duffel bag kind of guy, easier to spot on luggage carousels and easier to pass off as hand luggage. i am also the 2/3 hours in advance first at the counter kind of guy. although there was this one incident…

for one year i was the web consultant for our local airline and i was taking a rush trip to ny. i got stuck in traffic on the way to the airport and missed my check-in time. although i did have someone from the airline, pre-board me, i realised by the time i got the airport the gate would be closed, or so i thought. i got to the airport, get up to the desk to change my departure to the next morning, only to find out that the flight was delayed, still on the ground and waiting for me to depart. the joys of travelling suitcase free were never more apparent as i dashed through the airport to get onto the plane.

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