physician heal thyself

September 17, 2003 — Leave a comment

VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): During my recent visit to the Burning Man festival in the Nevada desert, I drank in an abundant array of confounding sights and enriching adventures that I`ll remember forever. The last surprise I saw before heading home was among the most modest, but it`s a perfect choice to serve as your ruling symbol for the coming week: a sign that read “The Very Tidy Pirates” above an image of a bad-ass dude wearing an eye patch and apron and wielding a vacuum cleaner and feather duster. I hope this vignette inspires you to be wildly disciplined, neatly rowdy, and boisterously organized.

i`m always at the ready with advice, people come to me all the time. i tend to be incisive and true. i don`t force them to take it. i offer it because they ask or sometimes they need to hear it. there is no ulterior motive. i am not trying to save the world. i`m not trying to make up for being a complete and utter bastard.

i honestly think what i tell people is helpful.

now if i can just follow some of the advice i dispense. i`m clutching every iota of happiness in my life trying to prevent myself from slipping into the darkness and despair.

i`m already sleeping less. i feel less like doing anything.

everyone is supportive and i am thankful. but i still feel lost and so completely alone. i`m surrounded by friends and family and yet i feel myself withdrawing.

i want to be able to tell myself something sage that will prevent this inexorable slide.

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