bureaucracy sucks ass badly with teeth

September 2, 2003 — Leave a comment

i just got off the phone with a rather nice lady at the embassy in barbados, she was very helpful, well as helpful as she could be.

apparently my application is in the ins/bcis/whatever office in santo domingo and they are short staffed. which means my application could be sitting on a pile but they wouldn`t know, because they don`t have enough people to check.

in the words of a joke my wife gave me “how nice”

i guess this means we need to find someone high enough on the food chain to take an interest in our plight.

i`m not pissed, i just need to figure what we can do now. i`m almost to abandon living in the us with vic and just find somewhere that is willing to take us and our brood. anywhere right now. just as long as we`re together.

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