things to do today

August 18, 2003 — Leave a comment

finish making prints for presentation

build powerpoint template

build powerpoint document

burn cds with presentation

pick up dry cleaning

pick up pants from tailor

buy shoes[scrapped]

do laundry[not fucking happening at this point, dirty jeans it is.]

wash hair[that will get done at the hotel]

pick mother up from airport[arranged]

properly clean shoes if buying shoe is unsuccessful[arranged]


i forsee there not being enough hours in this day, still i`m rather looking forward to all of this, i`m already in the office, the printer is still chugging away. the presentation document isn`t done yet and i`m trying to leave early to get some of my shit done. and all of this running around via public transportation. joy. [the public transport is the part that suck ass, badly with teeth]

i`ll be back during the day with updates.

the question is, why is this so much fun, when the culmination of these events is spending two whole days with the brainless wonder. oh joy, in a two hour period yesterday, she called like 14 times. and she had been here for three hours. but i`ve started stocking up on the movies, i got two from PT, i have a batch of futurama episodes on my machine, i have the years of rice and salt to finish. all in all, a couple days worth of avoidance right there. hopefully the per diem will allow for me not to have to take me meal with her and i`ll be fine.

ok, time to get cracking on that to do list.

* edit, it`s 6:05pm, and i just got the text for the ppt and proposal document. wish me luck.

** update 11:30pm, last of the proposals printing, hopefully i can go home and get 3 hours fucking sleep at least

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