thank god it’s friday

August 8, 2003 — Leave a comment

the weekend begins here. i had a productive night last night, i just have to wrap up some stuff in the office this morning, then i can resort to sitting around and reading my book.

vic left me a batch of books [one of the ways she won my heart], i`m still reading the first one which is fantastic – the years or rice and salt. i should be finished this weekend and i can continue on to the others in the list.

i`m feeling a lot better, there are a million and one cliches i can put here indicating how much better i feel but i`ll spare us both.

my major worry right now is financial, but i refuse to stress about it. it`s just money, i`m owed some and i have the skills to make more.

i`m going for doubles this morning, i haven`t had any since vic was here, yeah, i`ll get to work late, but the less time i spend in there the longer i think i can maintain my good mood.

i`ll be back later. ciao.

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