You PERVERT. You are as dirty minded as they cum..
hehe, I knew you would catch that..
How Perverted are you?
brought to you by Quizilla
actually i like to believe that i just have very few hang ups about sexuality.
perfectionist with a god complex
You PERVERT. You are as dirty minded as they cum..
hehe, I knew you would catch that..
How Perverted are you?
brought to you by Quizilla
actually i like to believe that i just have very few hang ups about sexuality.
it`s a race weekend and based on the qualifying it`s going to be an interesting race tomorrow.
anyway i got this from girlunderway, who got it from someone else and so on and so on and so on…
1) Single or Taken: very, very taken
2) Sex: Male
3) Birthday: august 23
4) Sign: virgo on the cusp of leo
5) Siblings: de nada
6) Hair colour: black with bleach blond ends
7) Eye colour: brown
8) Shoe size: 10 if i can get the width, otherwise 11
*~ R e l a t I o n s h I p s ~*
1) Who are your best friends?: lisa/victoria
2) Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend: i`m married
3) If yes, what is their name?: victoria
*~ T h e * E x t r a * S t u f f ~*
1) Do you do drugs: very occasional marijuana
2) what kind of shampoo do you use: usually stuff by bodyshop but when i run out whatever is available
3) What are you most scared of: being alone
4) What are you listening to right now: f1 qualifying commentary
5) What car do you wish to have: subaru impreza
6) Who is the last person that called you: no one has called me since thursday
7) Where do you want to get married: we got married outside close to the beach
8) How many messenger buddies do you have on your list right now?: i use fire [everybody on one list]: 201 in total
9) If you could change anything about yourself: more tolerant towards the less intelligent
*~ F a v o r I t e s ~*
1) Colour: pretty much blue and black, but i`m working with yellow and orange lately
2) What`s your favourite food?: roti, bruschetta, lasange
3) Boy`s names: mark, david
4) Girls names: victoria, katherine
5) Subjects in school: when i was there, english, computers, history
6) Animals?: wolves
7) Sports (to play): volleyball
8) Sports (to watch): formula 1
9) Song right now: weird science – oingo boingo it`s only propaganda – jointpop and the list continues
*~ H a v e Y o u ~*
1) Given anyone a bath: yes
2) been bunjie jumping?: no
3) broken the law?: which law? where? [tries to look innocent]
4) Gone skinny-dipping?: nope
5) Made yourself cry to get out of trouble?: oh that was my MO in high school
*~ First * Thing * T h a t * C o m e s * T o * M I n d~*
1) Red: fire engine
2) Cow: steak
3) Socks: dryer
4) Greenland: perfect storm
what`s worse??
1) Stepping in dog crap barefoot or having a bird poop on your head?: bird shit on the head; barefoot in dog crap, ick.
*~ F I n a l * Q u e s t I o n s ~*
1) Do you like filling these out: it`s fun, when i`m in the mood.
2) Gold or Silver: white gold
5) What is the last film you saw at the cinema: bad boys2 [it was bad]
6) favourite cartoon character: Daria, Dogbert, Samuari Jack
7) What do you have for breakfast in the morning: when i can doubles, otherwise cereal
it`s a holiday here and i`m home, listening to the rain fall on the galvanise, there are few sounds more beautiful. i haven`t done memes since i returned and i think this the ideal place to start. [courtesy faymow]
This week`s Filthy Friday Five: Forbidden Anatomy!
1. What is your position on rim jobs? By this, of course, we refer to oral-anal contact.
i enjoy giving and receiving. it`s part of my oral fixation. of course getting clean is part of the fun.
2. Balls: Deserving of more pleasure, or basically unimportant?
Deserving of more pleasure.
3. Have you ever wanted to fuck or be fucked using an unconventional body part, such as feet or armpits? Hands don`t count.
No, not really.
4. Iggy Pop claims he has, but I don`t believe him. Have YOU ever had it in the ear before?
never put anything smaller that your elbow in your ear
5. The prostate: useful for sexual encounters or something that, DEAR GOD, nobody should ever come anywhere near, ever (crosses self)?
If properly stimulated, it`s useful for sexual encounters.
oh hell yes. i see stars, it`s amazing
and the regular friday five:
1. What time do you wake up on weekday mornings?
about 6:30, unless i`m completely exhausted
2. Do you sleep in on the weekends? How late?
my internal alarm doesn`t differentiate, 6:30 – 7, everyday
3. Aside from waking up, what is the first thing you do in the morning?
pee, check my mail
4. How long does it take to get ready for your day?
shower and dress – 25 minutes, not really a breakfast person or i get something on the way in.
5. When possible, what is your favorite place to go for breakfast?
doubles man in st. james
i went to the movies last night with j, who i hadn’t hung out with for a while, she’s always fun and good to shit talk with. we went to see LXG and Bad Boys 2. LXG was entertaining. not great, just entertaining, there were some bright spots and seeing it in a theatre full of illiterates didn’t help. there were a couple of literary in jokes but for the most part it went whooshing over the heads of the masses. however Bad Boys 2 was completely and utter dreck, it seemed forced and uncomfortable and turning into a propaganda film in the last 20 minutes just completely ruined it for me [the masses on the other hand, just completely ate it up], which leads me to believe, i’m too old for mass consumption fare anymore, but i’ll see the trailers and get sucked again and again.
anyway, after the movies [1am, mind you] i dragged j to afterdark. to hang out for a bit with the usual suspects. K leaves in less than 2 weeks, it was after dark’s last night and i owed my 6000th visitor a drink what other reasons did i need to trek off to AD?
i got there, it was hot and packed. j ran into a bunch of people she knew and i saw everyone i came to look for. the low point of the nights events is the sleazy man that tried to pick me up. oh ‘i’m the hottest man there’ [maybe i was, because the a/c was perpetually broke] and he’s bi, his girlfriend is away, his exes are there, blah, blah, blah, blah. and the fucking grabby hands, i don’t mind dancing, i can’t expect to go to AD and not have a man dance with me, but motherfucker, keep your hands to yourself. not under my shirt, not on my ass [well there are conditions and you dancing behind me and trying to cop a feel is not cool] , no crotch grabbing. which brings me to a couple other points, if i want to know what you had in your pants, i’d ask, i have no interest in feeling your tiny semihard dick on my ass, i have no interest in putting my hands on your tiny dick and i most certainly don’t want you copping a feel of my goods. how many times must i move your hands before you get the hint. [thank you, thank you, thank you N, for saving me from that sleazy fucker]
phew needed to get that off my chest.
we left shortly after, i got tired of wondering if sleazy boy would be back and it was after 3am and i was tired. not sure what we’re up to tonight but the rain has started pouring and i think it’s a good plan for me to crawl back into bed.
i’ll be back later. ciao.
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