i am so addicted

July 6, 2003 — Leave a comment

it’s almost five am, i’ve just got in from the pride party and what do i do? log on of course. how sad is that?

the party was ok, not great, just ok. definitely not a poolside party. i had fun danced a little, had a strange man try to pick me up, but it was a gay fete, what else did i expect. it was a bit of an ego boost, until he started to get fresh. why is it a dance has to turn into something more, this is whole new millennium, you don’t try to get intimate with someone you just met at a party. how unsafe and classless is that? even if i were interested that would be a major no no. it saddens me to think that this sort of behaviour still exists.
i still had a good time. poolside is having a party at the end of august, but my usual riding partner, k, isn’t going to be here. who will defend my honour.

anyway, i’m going to apply for this job that monster just presented in my mailbox and head off to bed. hopefully i’ll get up in time for the start of the french grand prix. i slept through the beginning of last week’s race and missed most of it.

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