…it pours.
today was kind of stressful, aside from the moron client. the power adaptor on my laptop, finally gave out, had to find a replacement at least until the new one arrives. then i couldn’t get my regular connection to dialup. i’m using a borrowed connection to get some info for a quotation that was due on friday, but all i want to do right now is go to bed. vic has a headache and i’m not sure who’s feeding back from whom.
i’m want to call it a night, but i have to wait on a call back from the server people, my client is on my ass, rightfully so as to why her server or at least the mail portion isn’t up yet.
i’ll regal you with some links in the mean time:
Are you hypocritical about God? (a very interesting quiz – vic sent me this a while ago)
my results:
You have been awarded the TPM medal of distinction! This is our second highest award for outstanding service on the intellectual battleground.
The fact that you progressed through this activity being hit only once and biting very few bullets suggests that your beliefs about God are well thought out and almost entirely internally consistent.
The direct hit you suffered occurred because one set of your answers implied a logical contradiction. The bitten bullets occurred because you responded in ways that required that you held views that most people would have found strange, incredible or unpalatable. At the bottom of this page, we have reproduced the analyses of your direct hit and bitten bullets.
Because you only suffered one direct hit and bit very few bullets, you qualify for our second highest award. A good achievement!
this week i promise to bring you at least one pride link a day. here is the stranger’s 2003 queer issue
going to get some sleep, have a good night.