once again into the breech

June 17, 2003 — Leave a comment


i owe, i owe, so it’s off to work i go.

today is going to be one of sort of work days i like, stuff needing to finished on tight deadlines. i have 3 ads to get out today, but the time i get in my scan should have arrived. logo designs, advertorials (god i hate that word) all due by end of day or first thing in the morning. plus all the planning and stuff for the shoot.

it’s on of those no guts no glory days. i suppose i should be bothered but i think the excitement of victoria coming and all these lovely dreams. i’ve been having the most intimate and exciting dreams, i’m holding on to the joy they bring to take me through the day.

i’ll be back later with details of the day in progress. need to catch my ride.


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