
May 12, 2003 — Leave a comment

or a midmorning tidbit.

my boss (at the same job that i just dislike intensely now. what a difference two weeks of inspired work can make) is going away for three days on a shoot at the end of the week, she had a meeting this morning where she left myself and the head of the research unit responsible for all work leaving the office during her abscence. not that the responsibility is a problem, the head of the research unit has already handed in her resignation, so effectively if anything gets fucked up, i’ll be left holding the bag.

thus far, i’ve had nothing to do for the day, other than meet and get handover notes for laters this week. so i’ve been watching secretary, which only 30 minutes has me gripped. this movie is amazing and entirely inappropriate for me to be watching at work.

i’m supposed to have more meetings this afternoon to come up with ideas for a campaign rollout by friday, actually 3 campaigns. joy. actually i’m looking forward to the work, these people have such a ugly sense of design, it’s like pulling teeth to get them out of the rut they are in.

time to get some grub, i’ll be back later.

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