i love you more with every heartbeat

July 29, 2003 — Leave a comment

the next holiday that’s long enough for vic to come visit is thanksgiving. thanksgiving is 5 months away. it’s going to be a travel nightmare, i would much rather be beginning our own thanksgiving ritual, but if that’s not happening, i’m going to be working my ass off to get vic and julian her and back safely for the 5 days.

i’m going to take the inspiration, the happiness, the racing of my heart every time i think of you and focus it on getting us together. this is a powerful force. i believe in our love. this week is difficult to say the least, but i’m holding on to last week, the memories, the incredible joy and contentment of being in your presence. you will get me through this, as you’ve gotten me through the last 10 months.


there are no mountains high enough, no billboards big enough, not enough hours in the day, to proclaim how much i love you. thank you for sharing my life.

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