
June 24, 2003 — Leave a comment

i’m getting ready to build 28 pages for 2 newspaper supplements for tomorrow. i’m going to be up for a while. i figure if i get going now, i can get a second wind around midnight. i’ve got 8 hours of pop music cued up. this is going to be such fun.

in the mean time i’m going to post a bunch of links and although i was going save this for friday but you only live once, i’m sure i’ll find another five for friday. thank you eternalfool:

1. You have to engage in a dirty threesome with one celebrity of the same sex and one of the opposite sex. Choose your ideal peeps.
ewan mcgregor and angela bassett

2. What celebrity has popped up most frequently in your masturbation fantasies, past or present?
honestly none. i had to think about my first answer a really long time.

3. Would you fuck comedian Sarah Silverman?

4. How about Jon Stewart?
oh hell yes

5. If you fucked a major celebrity (one night, no strings attached) and the Enquirer offered you $1,000,000 to supply some details of the tryst, would you do it
nope. not built that way.

whew, got that out of the way, now some news and entertainments:

this history of organised crime in nyc (really cool link for you crime buffs and vic if they ever do a city about ny), it’s really well designed too (i’m trolling for ideas for the site that i’m supposed to be working on…)

long bets is “an arena for competitve, accountable predictions” ie giving you an opportunity to put yout money where you mouth is.

an interesting catch-22 about google and it’s addition to our lexicon.

and it’s tuesday, so you know that means new dan savage at the village voice

moving quickly along, it’s almost an hour since i started this meaning i haven’t started work yet…

z list star (and i use the word star losely) blog (ok he uses a mac, running at least 10.2.5 and he’s using ichat a/v, so that will move him up the list to ‘j’ or something)

a useful roundup of links about the supreme court decision on library internet filtering

and we’re walking, and we’re walking, til we get to our final exhibit, your moment of zen

ok, all my text is here, no more posts til i’m done at least the first 8 pages. ciao.

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