things masturbation can’t do for you

June 20, 2003 — Leave a comment

today was productive, even with all the distractions of my body. i’m eternally gratefully that it’s just me here today, i don’t think i could have dealt with an office full of women today, it would have been down right embarrassing.

i feel as if my skin aflame. i need to get some ice cream, it’s the only thing i can think of that will subdue my oral fixation. masturbation is like a release valve, but only for one portion of my sexual tension. the ice cream helps, but it lacks a combination of stimuli to even come close.

i’m trying to distract myself and keep working but all my efforts have been unsuccessful. all i can think about it is the sensory overload, hands in my hair, thighs pressed against my ears, eyes closed, the taste, the smell of the goddess overwhelming me.

i need to go home. i’m going to take a very long shower.

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