Archives For hunter s. thompson

Politics is the Art of Controlling your Environment
That is one of the key things I learned in these years, and I learned it the hard way. Anybody who thinks that “it doesn’t matter who’s Presided” has never been Drafted and sent off to fight and die in a vicious, stupid War on the other side of the World? Or been beaten and gassed by the Police for trespassing on public property?or been hounded by the IRS for purely political reasons?or locked up in the Cook County Jail  with a broken nose and no phone access and twelve perverts wanting to stomp your ass in the shower. That is when it matters who is President or Governor or Police Chief. That is when you will wish you had voted.

Hunter S. Thompson

HST is gone. and it`s affecting me more than i expected.

the first thing of his i ever read was the Great Shark Hunt and from that moment i was hooked. i wanted to write like that when i grew up, i still do. my interest and understanding of American football and politics were pretty much shaped by his writing.

i think if i hadn`t just read Hey Rube, i wouldn`t been as affected, reading it just reminded me how much i admire his writing and now there is no more.

there is nothing new from my two favourite writers; one fairly prolific, the other constantly plagued by writer`s block; except, ironically, for movies based on their works later this year.

some time later and i think i`m a little close to figuring out why HST`s death bothers me so much; he was my icon of American journalism and now that he`s gone what hope is there left for the rest of us.

during one of the days i was home sick i started and finished Nick Hornby`s Songbook which reads like the linear notes to a rather eclectic mix tape. it got me thinking about my own musical tastes and how music affects my life.

i can`t function without music; there is music playing when i go to sleep at night and it`s what wakes me in the morning. i listen to it in the car, while i`m working, even as i type this there is something playing.

i`m willing to give anything a listen once. i like classical, particularly stuff that builds and i love the marriage of classical and rock.

i`ll finish this later.

Hunter Stockton Thompson is dead. of a self inflicted gunshot wound, no less. god damn it.

thought for the day

February 17, 2005 — Leave a comment

the nice thing about bed rest is you get to catch up on your reading in the last two days i`ve devoured Nick Hornby`s Songbook; which has inspired tomorrow`s post and Hunter S. Thompson`s Hey Rube from which this gem was found:

Politics is the Art of Controlling your Environment

That is one of the key things I learned in these years, and I learned it the hard way. Anybody who thinks that “it doesn`t matter who`s President” has never been Drafted and sent off to fight and die in a vicious, stupid War on the other side of the World–or been beaten and gassed by the Police for trespassing on public property–or been hounded by the IRS for purely political reasons–or locked up in the Cook County Jail  with a broken nose and no phone access and twelve perverts wanting to stomp your ass in the shower. That is when it matters who is President or Governor or Police Chief. That is when you will wish you had voted.

sorry there are no links for those of you that are so inclined but i`m really not up to it at the moment, if you`re really interested you can find it yourself.

chew on this

October 19, 2004 — Leave a comment

In a nation ruled by swine, all pigs are upward-mobile — and the rest of us are fucked until we can put our acts together: not necessarily to win, but mainly to keep from losing completely. We owe that to ourselves and our crippled self-image as something better than a nation of panicked sheep.

hunter s. thompson from Generation of Swine

quite an interesting read, particular in reference to the Reagan and Bush sr. administration.

funny how art imitates life.