the thrill of travelling

October 20, 2003 — Leave a comment

i like to travel. i`ve been travelling since i was 2 weeks old. every year til i turned 16 we, my mother and i would travel to jamaica. i`m only travelling for two days, but i`m so excited.

henry rollins has a spoken word piece called airport hell, i can relate. i`m a fairly seasoned traveller. if it`s a short trip, i only carry hand luggage, i have all my paperwork filled out to present at the desk, wait for my section to board, no stress. i hate people who wait til they get to counter to start filling their shit out or start digging for the ticket, i just want to smack them. same thing for getting off the plane. they give you the forms on the aircraft, how hard is it for you to fill out the immigration and customs forms before you get off the plane. no, just wait til you and your brood get to the counter to fill out all their forms. simple. fill out the forms, put it on the page with your picture, present it to the official, that way you can be out the airport quickly and efficiently.

as a child i had a very bad reaction to airline food. i would eat on the plane, the wheel would touch the ground and up it would come. it got the point where my mother and grandmother would cook food for me to take on the plane. i remember coming back from jamaica one year and my grandmother made me curry goat, as i opened the container the smell permeated the entire aircraft. there was this woman behind me telling the stewardess that she`d have whatever i`m having. as i got older or maybe the quality of the food has improved, i no longer hurl on landing.

the flight from trinidad to jamaica is a 5 hour flight, that leaves in wee hours of the morning. we used to call it the bus stop flight, we would spend most of the day trekking up the caribbean. a typical flight would have us stopping in barbados, antigua, st. martin, puerto rico and then onto jamaica. and with the exception of barbados and  antigua  you couldn`t get off the plane anywhere. i think there is only one stop now.

i can`t wait.

join us next time for `how to pack`

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